
Saturday, March 11, 2006

Filling up the pages

I woke up this morning thinking: I have nothing to say. What will I write about in my blog? Voix says to write every day. And I want to be a good little blogger and take her advice. Have you read her blog? You should. Anyway…

So I have nothing to say today, and as you can see, I had nothing to say yesterday. But I realized a wonderful thing shortly after inhaling my morning coffee. Talking about the fact that you have nothing to say is still saying something. If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice, according to Rush.

So here is what is on my mind today:

How am I supposed to set my creative spirit free if I am obligated to fill a certain number of pages?

I (sort of) understand the need to assign a certain range of pages for class assignments. Otherwise, one person can hand in one page while another hands in 50. But…I write short stories. I have the attention span of a miniature dachshund, which is why I chose short fiction as my major. For my current class, we have been assigned 15 to 30 pages for our final piece, which is a freaking novel to me. It might as well be 100. I have struggled with the last four pages for so long now that the entire piece no longer makes any sense to me, nor do I care anymore. Sad, very sad.

I love my dog more than anything in the world, and he is getting old.

Sometimes, when I am driving in my car, I can almost imagine the day he no longer greets me with a whine when I come home (we keep him in the kitchen because he has the nasty habit of pooping in the living room if he has any freedom whatsoever). And I cry in my car. Isn’t that twisted? But it makes me so sad. (I am starting to see a theme here).

And finally, the Lit 6 show is tonight and that doesn’t make me sad at all. I plan on leaving my house around noon to make sure I get in. Since there are only five of you currently reading my blog, and you will all be there tonight, I won’t push it too hard. But if you have stumbled upon this blog by chance, and you don’t live in Israel, come on down.

That’s it for now. Over and out.


  • At 11:11 AM, Blogger Geoff Herbach said…

    Thanks for the plug, Lo-Down!

    I love the freedom of the blog. You don't have to say anything and yet, just the act says a lot (most of the time, sometimes I write really nothing and yet there are words there). Glad you're doing this thing!

  • At 11:39 AM, Blogger David Oppegaard said…

    good post, Alex. I think I write too fast, too much. Except, when I write short stories they usually max out at ten, maybe twelve pages. What the hell can we DO?

  • At 12:17 PM, Blogger Alex said…

    Comments! I love getting comments.

    Thanks guys. I think daily (sometimes, hourly) about quitting the whole darn writing thing for so many reasons I can't even tell you. This helps.

    Maybe I'll write one more day.

  • At 1:33 PM, Blogger Julie DuRose said…

    Yeah, but most days it still beats working retail or trucking, to name a few.

  • At 2:19 PM, Blogger Alex said…

    So true Julie. Although, imagine the stories that may come out of being a trucker. Maybe I'll try that for a week.

    Also, checked out your blog. It's great. I'd like to link to it from mine if that's ok.

  • At 3:56 PM, Blogger Voix said…

    Alex honey, you don't have to ask permission to link. Linking is a compliment! Link to your heart's content!

    Glad you're finding things to write about. Whining is one of my favorite blog topics, actually.


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