
Thursday, March 30, 2006

Let the pampering begin

I am considering this weekend as the last bit of freedom before I dive head long into the empty pool that is my thesis.

I declare today Alex Day, at least in my little corner of the universe. I am going to (try really really hard to) avoid any errand-running, laundry, house cleaning, or anything else that is not luxurious or relaxing or fun or all of those things. I say that now, but you can bet your bottom dollar I will end up at Target at least once today.

For starters, I am cashing in my Valentine’s Day present and spending a couple of hours at a spa. In Dinky Town of all places. I am really looking forward to it, except for this little thing I have against people touching me. In a spa, as you might have guessed, most treatments involve some sort of touching. I don’t know where this anti-touch thing started. My parents tell me I was always like that, but that’s for another post. Either way, I am going to stop at Java Train, get the biggest hazelnut steamer they have, and go get pampered.

Then comes the much touted shoe shopping trip. Peep toe heels here I come.

Tonight, we are meeting a friend at Famous Dave’s. I haven’t seen her for a long time. Now that she is newly separated from a man who is also our friend, she is spending more time back in the fold. Aside from the obvious awkwardness and juggling that comes along with caring about both of the separated parties, we are all just very happy to hear from her again on a regular basis.

Funny how we change. In my 20’s, if a friend dropped out of touch, especially because of a boy, it would have been unforgivable. Now, I see how complicated it really all is. No one can knows the nature of a friend’s marriage, her reasons for being absent all this time, or what is in her head and heart now. I used to freely prescribe intentions to people’s actions. Now I know that sometimes we don’t even know our own motivation. Maybe they were so blissfully happy that they forgot about us. More likely, they were dealing with things that would have been made even more complicated when shared with friends. Or maybe she just missed us, sees now that giving up friends is just never a good idea, because someday, you might need them again. And the rest of us? We’ll be there, happy to raise a glass to her new life and offering to be on the other end of the line any time she needs to pick up the phone.

But enough about that. It's Me Day. Bring on the scented candles and sea salt scrubs.


  • At 10:19 AM, Blogger David Oppegaard said…

    Alex, at Target, will you please pick me up some new underwear?

    Thank you.

  • At 12:31 PM, Blogger Voix said…

    One more comment about shiatsu -- unlike traditional massage, it's done over your clothing. You don't have to get naked for a shiatsu, and they feel wonderful.

    Hope you're enjoying your pampering day and that you bought Dave some obnoxious girl underoos.


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