
Monday, April 10, 2006

The heat is on

Tonight, I got a sliver in my hand. The little pains are the worst aren’t they? I was moving a wicker box and in it went, tiny and lethal. My husband attempted some minor surgery at the dinning room table, but alas, the prickly little bastard remains embedded in my palm. I cannot imagine having to pull one of those fuckers out of a child’s skin. They scream don’t they? Kids, not slivers. They cry and pull away and ask why you are hurting them, right? They scream so loud the neighbors consider calling Child Protection. At least, that’s what I did tonight. We finally had to give up, let it sit in my hand over night and soften. I am seriously thinking about taking tomorrow off.

On a more positive note, it is 73 degrees inside my house, and the heat is OFF! Windows open, breeze flowing through the rooms like a spring parade. David says there is a “freakin' gorgeous” moon out, but I can’t see it from this vantage point. I am going to trust him though, he wouldn’t kid about something as precious as the moon.


  • At 12:49 PM, Blogger Lucas said…

    This weather is fantastic and David is correct. The moon is fabulous. I am hugely effected by weather and my mood right now is so very up. Even with the stress and uncertainty in my life, how can I complain when there are days like today?

    Hope your sliver works its way out. Slivers suck!


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