
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Help please

- If you had a big birthday coming up, what would you ask for?

- What is your favorite charity/cause and why?

- If you could go anywhere on earth, where would it be?

Monday, November 27, 2006


For a lovely story about a man and his mouse, visit David's blog. You'll feel warm and fuzzy all day. Or grossed out a little, it's a toss-up.

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Thanksgiving is over and the shopping season has began. We have nine, count 'em, nine children to buy for. No, wait, ten. I forgot the godchild. This does not include the adults we buy for or any of my family. If my husband's family keeps reproducing at this rate, we will need to take out a second mortgage next Christmas. But it is fun to shop for others, wrap the presents in big ribbons, and see their little faces when they open that Dora the Explorer movie they asked for.

We (and by we, I mean, my husband) put up our new tree. It is fake and came with its own lights and pine cones. Say what you will about the tradition and natural beauty of real trees, this tree rocks. It is our first tree even though we've been together four years. And now our house feels like a home.

After two funerals in one week, I am thankful for good health, family and friends, and watermelon. Don't ask.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A cloudy day

I went to a funeral today. A wonderful man, an amazing, spiritual, kind-hearted man died Saturday morning. He was 53 years old. His wife could not wake him up, and then he was gone. He leaves behind two young daughters and a church full of stunned friends and colleagues. I don’t get it. I can’t wrap my head around it.

Life is not fair. The world is full of horrible, mean-spirited, small people who seem to live forever. Several names come immediately to mind. Why him? I don’t get it.

After the funeral, I went to Victor’s on 38th and Grand for a Cuban breakfast. I sat by myself in a booth because my brother was out raking leaves and could not join me. I actually enjoy eating alone. When I was younger, I was sure everyone was looking at me and wondering why I didn’t have any friends. But now I am close to 40, and I love alone time of any kind. I love to shop alone, eat alone, even go to a movie or two. During the day, when the theater is empty. I love that.

I will be 40 in February. I am 13 years younger than this man, this lovely spirit of a man that died. I don’t get how a heart just stops. I just don’t get it.